Service Re-Design

Women health app mini case study


UX/UI Designer


1 week



Leia is health app for the women. Women get medically vetted information from experts tailored. LEIA gives you access to information from a whole bunch of experts in breastfeeding, physical and mental recovery and parenting. They are using a combination of science, AI and self-lived experiences of motherhood to give women knowledge about their own health and the power to change it for the better. I re-designed the daily check-up experience from the scratch.


During my design process I did competitor analysis with different kind of products as well. Their aim is to make Leia is next “Headspace” and “Duolingo” for the women health.

Competitor Analysis

Headspace provides guided meditation resources online, accessible to users through the app. Users can access ten days of free content, after which they have the option to take out a monthly or annual subscription or continue with the free trial material.

Even the Freemium membership offers the user a lot of usage opportunities. Users can purchase a premium membership to access all content. It is very easy to use in terms of user experience and graphically adapts the user to the application very easily. In addition, with the diversity in the contents, users can easily access the content they want.

However, one of the most important points of this application is the ease of use and the reminder notifications they send to the user every day. While these notifications may disturb users normally, they make these notifications an experience with their sentence choices, questions and inspiring sentences.

woman drawing

Duolingo, like Headspace, is an online language learning platform that offers freemium and premium membership systems. One of the most important feature of Duolingo is creating fun from some boring processes like learning and allowing users to learn something by playing games. Interesting visuals, audio features, and animation usage increase the frequency of users spending time in the application.

In addition, the way of presenting the content that motivates users during the tests. Another important factor is that users could see their signs of progress.

Also, the fact that it offers premium memberships to freemium users from time to time according to the loyalty of the users. That also improves the usability and loyalty of the app.

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